Arundell's Kennel
Welcome to Arundell!
Welcome to AK, a Petz 4 site owned by Loxie!
This is our new remodel, so Arundell is now a whole lot better for you. AK was established in 2005 as a home for petz where they were not just shown off, but interacted with and played with - which is the whole point of petz, in my opinion. AK has long been training it's resident dogz in agility, obedience, shcutzhund, fieldwork, policing, flyball, confirmation and of course, with my own training techniques.
This is primarily my hex archive and training site. It's got all the information you'll need to know about Arundell as a kennel.
Feel free to read below for random info...
All adoptions from this site are Original breeds. This means you won't need to download any extra files to play with petz you adopt from me.

Updates :12/12/2007
*Expanded my hexing archive
*My crew site is still under major construction. It won't be up for a long while, so hold on!
*Generally updated my site
All of the images on this webpage belong to me. I don't like theives, and so if I catch anyone stealing anything of mine, I will NOT be impressed. I will completely ignore you - in other words, will not respond to IMs or emails, won't adopt out to you, and won't give any support, help, advice or otherwise with regards to my training methods or tutorials.
You have been warned.
Adoption Policy
I will not adopt out any petz to anyone at all who I know to be rude, dishonest, a theif, or generally immature. I currently have a few people on my 'non-adopt' list, they probably know who they are. If you've ever stolen art, images, petz, hex coding etc, or you've lied, MPAed petz that wern't meant to be, or generally been very irritating to anyone else in the Petz community, you are probably on that list!